Make sure your contact information is up to date

WETT is planning an exciting initiative for all members this fall and it is imperative that we have your most accurate contact information on file. Regardless of whether you choose to be listed on the member directory, this information must remain current at all times.

This ensures that you receive important announcements, such as information on elections, your renewal, CE credit due date, upcoming courses and bulletins from the National office.

To update your information, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to

  2. Click on the menu at the top right-hand corner of your screen to expand the menu

Manage Profile

This is the information we use to contact you. It includes your home and business mailing addresses, email and phone numbers. The Manage Profile form is an efficient way of managing how the WETT office contacts you by both mail and email. Please provide your latest addresses and email updates here to stay in the loop.

Manage Directory

This is the information that shows up on our online referral service and is how members of the public find you. 

This page allows you to control how your company's contact information is viewed publicly on search results generated on the "Find a WETT certified professional" search form.

TIP: To ensure that your referral listing is accurate be sure to separate your "Referral Cities" by a space and a comma.


Amendment for CSA B365-17


WETT Award of Excellence