WETT 2024 Award of Excellence recipient: Jesse Richer
The WETT Award of Excellence recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to advancing the objectives of WETT Inc. This year WETT is awarding two individuals for outstanding contributions.
Our first 2024 recipient is Jesse Richer.
Jesse got an early start in the fireplace business in the mid 1970s while still studying psychology at the University of Calgary. Like many students, cash was in short supply, so she took a part-time job with a friend. There was plenty of weekend work available installing stoves & fireplaces. Before long, an area distributor offered full employment. Jesse was awarded the contract for the installation of fireplaces in condominiums at the new Panorama ski resort under construction near Invermere, BC. She took the job, left university behind, and never looked back.
In the late seventies, Jesse returned to her home province of Ontario to work as a fireplace/chimney contractor in the Ottawa area. This led to full-time work as a solid-fuel technician for Advanced Prefabs (The Fireplace Center). Later, Jesse relocated to Hamilton to continue as a subcontractor with various dealer stores including HearthStone; the store owned by Jan Herald. Later, Jesse had her own business just down the road called “Log & Lawn of Burlington.” She was ahead of her time. Aside from stoves & fireplaces, Jesse’s store sold plenty of specialty barbecue grills & patio furnishings.
In 1994, General Steel Wares (aka GSW) came calling just as Jesse was winding down her business in Burlington. They asked her to set up a technical support department for residential DIY applications. Before long, she was promoted to Technical Support Manager. When Selkirk Corporation acquired GSW in 1998, Jesse continued in the same role and has been there ever since. Today she serves as Senior Product Technical Manager for the Duravent Group (Duravent acquired Selkirk Canada, Selkirk Corp., and Hart & Cooley in 2021).
All along, Jesse has been a tireless volunteer for our industry. She served with the Canadian Wood Energy Institute (CWEI), and with ARWETO when it was established in 1988. Later, Jesse stepped up to work with WETT National serving terms as both treasurer and president. Even today, Jesse is still there volunteering her time as a member of the WETT Ethics Committee. All along, she has advocated for best practices based on a foundation of knowledge, experience, and professionalism.
Over the last 40 years, Jesse has worked with dealers and installers from all over North America. During that time, she had the good fortune of seeing & working on many important solid-fuel chimney innovations. Her technical writing is featured within many of Selkirk’s solid-fuel chimney installation manuals. She has also had a hand in developing catalogues and other product literature, and still handles technical calls and warranty inquiries. This role has now expanded to work under other brands made by the Duravent Group which now owns Selkirk Chimney. Even so, one of her proudest achievements was the establishment of WETT’s Selkirk Training Bursary in 2012. Jesse saw the need for this and lobbied hard to secure the necessary funding. This annual bursary covers all costs of course fees needed for the recipient to achieve WETT certification.
As the Senior Product / Technical Manager for Selkirk Canada Inc., my responsibilities is to provide technical support for all of Selkirk residential product lines for North America. Selkirk is a leading manufacturer of chimney, venting and fireplaces supplied to the Retail, HVAC, Hearth & Commercial/Industrial markets.
1976 to 1978 – Ecco Fireplaces in Calgary AB as a fireplace installer / contractor
1978 to 1986 – Fireplace Center (Advanced Prefabs) as installer and installation coordinator. My skills were toned to include complete installation of solid-fuel systems, from the set and stack to the finishing of the wood-burning appliance. In the later years of employment, I became the coordinator of all installations, supervising 6 crews of installers.
1986 to 1994 – Owner /Operator of Log’N Lawn of Burlington. I continued to enhance my skills as a solid-fuel technician for residential installations. In the late 80s, added to our scope the installation of gas-fired residential appliances.
1994 to 1995 – Employed by GSW Heating Product as a line / assembler for the gas division.
1995 – 1998 – Promoted to Technical Administrator under the new created Technical Department.
1998 to 2005 – Selkirk acquired GSW in 1998. And continued in this role.
2005 to 2021 – Promoted to Sr. Product/Technical Manager for all legacy companies (GSW, EnergyVent, Heatfab), Selkirk (US and Canada), Hart & Cooley and Amerivent. Have taken on the responsibilities in developing, creating, and updating all product installation instructions.
2021 to present – Duravent Group acquires Hart & Cooley, Selkirk Corp and Selkirk Canada. Continue as Sr. Product/Technical Manager. Added Duravent and Security Chimneys to responsibilities of developing, creating, and updating all product installation instructions.
Belcourt Secondary High School - Grade 13; Ottawa, ON
Algonquin College - High Studies in Recreology; Ottawa, ON
Calgary University - Psychology; Calgary AB
CWEI (Canadian Wood Energy Institute) training; Ottawa, ON
ARWETO and WETT Certificate holder as a Solid Fuel Space Technician and SITE Comprehensive Inspector; Wood Technology Training Inc., Markham, ON
TSSA Ontario Certificate of Qualification as a G.2 Gas Technician; Mohawk College
1979 - 1981 – Guest speaker at seminars for Un-Traditional Jobs for Woman at Algonquin College - challenges faced when seeking careers in these fields.
Since 2002 have been actively involved with WETT Inc. Some key points:
2005 took on the position of Treasurer of WETT and serve on the executive board.
2010 took the position of President of WETT.
2010 introduced the Selkirk Training Bursary.
Served on the WETT Education Committee
Currently active on the WETT Ethics Committee.
2003 to 2006 – Was actively involved in the Burn-it-Smart workshop campaign, as presenter assigned to a Southwestern Ontario region and some partners in the US to deliver workshops offering useful information on efficient and safe wood-burning practices. Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) was the lead on this cross-jurisdictional venture for cleaner, safer, more efficient wood burning. The national campaign on residential wood heating was to reduce wood-smoke pollution. These workshops were overseen by the industry specialist and delivered by WETT professionals with added training as a presenter.
Participant on various Technical Committees with CSA (Canadian Standards Association) and TSSA (The Technical Standards & Safety Authority):
2004 to 2020 as an alternate on the CSA B365 Technical Committee representing Selkirk as a manufacturer.
2007 to 2019 participating member of the CSA B415 Technical Committee representing Selkirk as a manufacturer.
Since 2004 I am a participating member on TSSA Risk Reduction Group. This group meets every 3 months to review if an alternate compliance strategy is warranted on issues in the field which may constitute hazardous.
2012 - present, participating member with CSA Technical Committee on Energy Efficiency and Related Performance of Fuel-Burning Appliances and Equipment (JB 121), P.3, P.5 and P.6.
2013, participating member with CSA B149 Technical Committee.
2015, participating member with CSA on the B139 and B140 Technical Committee for Oil Burning Appliance Standards (JB 103, JB 104).