Ideal Home Show, Halifax, NS

The Ideal Home Show in Halifax, March 22-24, 2024, was attended by local members Steve Falt, Raymond Teasdale, Patrick Mullen and Sandy Yorke with financial support from WETT’s National office.  

Our goal was to direct the public to the National web site when looking for a WETT-certified professional. This was accomplished by sharing a QR code that took them to the website directly on their phone and a staff member showed them how to navigate the site to find the service they were looking for.

Our collective experience was although many people said they have used our services, the contact was made with them through a retailer, real estate or insurance contact.

Public awareness of the WETT website will allow for a direct contact from the public to all our certified members and will be especially helpful in finding local sweeps and installers.

We supported the use of WETT ID card and discussed why the homeowner should be asking to see our identification. 

Overall, the feedback from the public was positive and I feel this was a great service to our membership.

Sandy Yorke
Executive Director


Spring Cottage Life Show, Toronto, ON


Update on WETT Inspection™ Forms