WETT Photo ID Cards for Certified Members
In an effort to safeguard members of the public who are seeking to contract a WETT-certified professional, WETT has the following resources available to verify certification:
A member directory, where you can verify that someone is certified by searching their name and/or location. Please note that not all members opt in to the directory so, when in doubt, you can verify them by calling the WETT National office. It is also important to note that WETT certifies individuals, not companies.
WETT photo ID cards, which are only valid if they carry a current year sticker. These stickers are sent to members yearly upon renewal of membership (provided that they have stayed current with the educational requirements set out by the organization). When you contract with a WETT-certified individual, ask to see their WETT photo ID card as proof of certification. Important to note that these are not mandated, but most of our membership have opted to carry a card.