Code of Ethics
6.1 Required Code of Ethics
6.1.1 To preserve the credibility and integrity of the WETT training and certification system, certificate holders shall, in all of their professional activities relevant to WETT certification, comply with each element of the WETT Code of Ethics below:
a. A certificate holder will protect the rights and safety of others and use reasonable skill and judgment while engaged in sale, installation, inspection or maintenance of solid-fuel-burning systems in accordance with the terms and conditions of WETT certification.
b. A certificate holder will not knowingly contravene any federal, provincial, or municipal law, regulation, or by-law relating to the sale, installation, inspection or maintenance of solid-fuel-burning systems.
c. A certificate holder will not knowingly sign or issue a false or misleading report or other document.
d. A certificate holder will not make a false, exaggerated or misleading statement as to the practice of solid-fuel work, or make a false or malicious statement or publication that injures the professional reputation of another person who is WETT certified.
e. A certificate holder will not use the WETT logo or the words Wood Energy Technical Training in a way that misleads the public as to the WETT certification status of him/herself or of another person.
f. A certificate holder will participate fully in the complaints process.